This episode of The Angel Next Door podcast is a special edition of Minutes with Marcia. In this episode, Marcia shares a detailed behind-the-scenes look into her journey of writing the upcoming book, "Do Good While Doing Well," slated for release in September 2024. The day this episode is releasing is June 27th, which also happens to be Marcia’s birthday. She is sharing her journey since so many have been asking as the book is getting ready to make it’s debut. In this quick episode, she candidly discusses her unexpected plunge into the world of writing. Despite her comfort zone being more in numbers and spreadsheets, Marcia was inspired by the feedback from her TEDx Charlotte speech in 2022 and decided to extend her impact by authoring a book. This episode, the first in a two-part series titled "Minutes with Marcia Book Part 1," provides a high-level overview of Marcia's journey from speech to manuscript. She gives us a look into her process, guided by AJ Harper's extensive workshop, and discusses how she developed the book's core message and structured her content. For anyone curious about the intersection of entrepreneurship, angel investing, and philanthropy, this episode is a must-listen. Marcia shares insights on making impactful investments accessible to more people, debunking the myth that angel investing is only for the rich and well-connected. Whether you're an aspiring author, a budding entrepreneur, or someone looking to make a real difference, this episode is packed with invaluable takeaways and inspiration.
This episode of The Angel Next Door podcast is a special edition of Minutes with Marcia. In this episode, Marcia shares a detailed behind-the-scenes look into her journey of writing the upcoming book, "Do Good While Doing Well," slated for release in September 2024. Pre-order link here.
The day this episode is releasing is June 27th, which also happens to be Marcia’s birthday. She is sharing her journey since so many have been asking as the book is getting ready to make it’s debut. In this quick episode, she candidly discusses her unexpected plunge into the world of writing. Despite her comfort zone being more in numbers and spreadsheets, Marcia was inspired by the feedback from her TEDx Charlotte speech in 2022 and decided to extend her impact by authoring a book.
This episode, the first in a two-part series titled "Minutes with Marcia Book Part 1," provides a high-level overview of Marcia's journey from speech to manuscript. She gives us a look into her process, guided by AJ Harper's extensive workshop, and discusses how she developed the book's core message and structured her content. For anyone curious about the intersection of entrepreneurship, angel investing, and philanthropy, this episode is a must-listen. Marcia shares insights on making impactful investments accessible to more people, debunking the myth that angel investing is only for the rich and well-connected. Whether you're an aspiring author, a budding entrepreneur, or someone looking to make a real difference, this episode is packed with invaluable takeaways and inspiration.
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Marcia Dawood
Hi, everyone. In this episode of minutes with Marcia, I'm gonna give you a behind the scenes look at how I wrote the book, do good while doing well. That's coming out in September of 2024. So today is June 27 of 2024, and it also happens to be my birthday. And I'm gonna give you this quick behind the scenes look at why I wrote the book, how I wrote the book, and then in the second part of this two part series of minutes with Marsha, which will come out on July 4, I will give you behind the scenes look at the publishing industry, what I went through in order to find a publisher, and how that all works between self publishing, hybrid publishing, and traditional publishing. So many of you know that in October of 2022, I was a speaker at TEDx Charlotte, and I debuted my speech called do good while doing well, while I was at that event, and it was really great. I got fabulous feedback from people, but a lot of people said, well, hey, we're inspired, but we don't know what to do now because it's kind of hard to explain everything in eleven minutes. So I decided that I would embark on writing a book.
Marcia Dawood
Now. I am definitely the kind of person who would rather play with spreadsheets and numbers all day and not necessarily write. So it has not been my lifelong dream to write a book. However, I knew if I had the right kind of help that I would be able to do it. So before I actually did Tedx Charlotte, I went through a program called Heroic Public Speaking, where I learned how to write and deliver a speech. In the process, I met AJ Harper, who has a book called write a must read, which, if anyone is thinking about writing a book, you should definitely get a copy of AJ's book. It's amazing. AJ has a workshop, and I was lucky enough to be one of the few people that get to go through her workshop.
Marcia Dawood
I started in February of 2023. The workshop is 14 weeks long, and I was able to, in that workshop, put together an outline of the book, identify who my reader is, identify my core message, my promise to my readers was going to be. And from there, we started writing. And then AJ teaches us all about the editing process, which she does go through quite extensively in her book as well. So the workshop ended in May of 2023, and I had about 70% of the book written. And from there, I took the rest of the summer to get the rest of it written and kind of reorganized in the way that I wanted it. And I started to go out to find a publisher at this point, I knew I was going to need a pretty good copy editor. Like I said, I'd rather deal with spreadsheets, and I'm a very matter of fact kind of person and a matter of fact kind of writer, so I needed someone to help me bring the stories out a little bit more.
Marcia Dawood
The writing process was very interesting. Just learning how to write an outline and figuring out everything about the book before you even start to write it is really a cool concept because that made it so much easier when we went to start writing. So we probably spent a good four weeks making our outline, figuring out who our reader was, writing our core message. So before we ever started to write the book. And then from there, I just kept writing and writing and wanting to make sure that people knew more about how angel investing is done. Over the years, so many people that I talked to would say to me, angel investing, that's interesting, but I never even thought that was something that I could do. I didn't think that was accessible to me. So many people believe that it is truly just for the rich and well connected, but that's just not true anymore.
Marcia Dawood
There are so many ways that people can invest, and so many things have come online. We have the crowdfunding, and I've talked a lot about this on the podcast before. Equity crowdfunding debt crowdfunding regulation crowdfunding has only been approved by the SEC since 2016. So that isn't a long period of time for people to even know about it existing, let alone know how to do it, or to have a lot of people participating. Yet people also don't know that they can invest with philanthropic dollars. And that's a big thing that I talk about in the book. Women especially, love this idea that they can use philanthropic money. They can put that to work while it's in a donor advised fund, or even they can go directly to a 501 c three called Inspire access that will help them to be able to invest in a for profit company, and people can also use their individual retirement accounts.
Marcia Dawood
All of these ways are things that people can do in order to make a difference, to make change in the world. So my reader statement is that I'm writing a book for anyone who wants to make a difference and isn't sure how one person alone can do that. And my core message is that charity alone cannot solve the world's problems. We can't put the burden all on them in order to be the change. We can invest in the change we want to see in the world. And the promise to my reader is that by the time they finish the book, they will have a good idea of the things that they would want to do in order to make a difference in the world, and they will feel incapable of being able to do it. So the book comes out in September of 2024, and it will come out as an ebook, a regular hardback book, and also as an audiobook, which I recorded myself, which is also another interesting process. They actually let me record the audiobook in my house.
Marcia Dawood
I was in this little closet with a microphone and my computer, and there was a sound engineer on the other end. And that's pretty much how we recorded the book. And we would record it about two to three chapters at a time. And it was a different process than what I thought it was going to be because it really did require me to practice and read through the book again. And, yeah, it was interesting. But yes, there will be an audiobook. I'm in the process of finalizing a workbook, an official workbook that will go along with the book. The workbook will have a lot of different exercises in it.
Marcia Dawood
You can do them alone, or you can do them with a friend or family member. And this is a good way for you to figure out what do you want to do in order to affect change? What do you care about? What are the ways that you can start to make a difference in the world and actually feel like you have the know how and are capable of doing it? And just to wrap up this episode, I will say that in the book, and you've heard me talk about it on the podcast before. I talk about my golf course because my husband plays a lot of golf, and for a long time, I would be pretty much just jealous of the types of connections that he got from playing so much golf. And I don't play golf. And so I didn't know where to find my golf course. And angel investing is one of the ways that I found my golf course. And one of the other ways is through these groups that I've met through speaking and through writing. AJ Harper's workshop that I went through is called the top three book workshop.
Marcia Dawood
And so we call ourselves the t three community, the top three. And that has also been like a golf course. And I've met amazing people and talked to people and gotten to know people that I would have never known otherwise in all different types of industries and doing all different types of things. So it's really been fascinating. So in the show notes, I will put the links so that you can pre order the book. I would love if people would do that. One of the other things I wasn't expecting to happen so soon is the book has actually been sold by the case lately, because I have a couple of people who are either fund managers or they're fundraising right now. And instead of them having to explain all about what it means to invest in an early stage company or in a venture fund or an angel group fund, they can read the book, and it kind of explains everything for them.
Marcia Dawood
So that was kind of an interesting twist of events. So, like I said, the book comes out September 10. You can pre order it on Amazon, on, and also on you can find that on my website, which is just, or you can search for me on any of those sites and the book will come up. Thanks for listening.